How Can I Turn My Basement into a New Room?

Basements are ideal spaces for optimizing the amount of living space that you have within your home. While traditionally used as laundry rooms, storage areas, and even completely overlooked, these large, solid, concrete spaces are now being recognized as an area of the home that can function in numerous ways and be put to good use. Turning Basement Into New Room

This is not a project that has to be completed at once. In fact, we recommend taking your time to perfect this area of your home. We do, however, have a few tips and suggestions for ensuring a correct finish.

These are critical to ensuring that your newly-transformed basement functions appropriately and is manageable. Continue reading to learn how to bring that dull, dark basement to life and add more room to your home!

Pay Special Attention to the General Environment

First and foremost, you should make certain that you consider the general environment of the basement and pay special attention to it during the transformation process. First, the area is commonly cooler than other regions of the home, but it also contains higher levels of humidity. This means that it is also more likely to be prone to the development of moisture.

For this reason, you should add walls that have a fiberglass-based insulation and are breathable. This will help to move moisture away from the room. If you fail to do this, you may find that the items that you place in your new room experience damage or that your health suffers as a result of the development of mold and/or mildew.


The basement is prone to flooding. This could develop in the upper levels of the home or through any type of plumbing that is present within the basement.

You must look at the situation as if you are expecting a future flood to develop and make sure you construct the area in such a way that any flooding will be quickly eliminated and will not damage your flooring – which could result in foundation cracks and instability in your home.

One of the best ways to do this is to make certain that the floor is composed of only concrete and it is covered with epoxy-based basement floor coatings. Additionally, you should integrate a flood drain that utilizes a sump pump so that water may be quickly removed from your new room.

Hire Needed Contractors

If you need or want electricity or plumbing in your new room, you must enlist the assistance of professional contractors to do the work. Most building codes call for these professionals when it comes to installing new lighting systems, new water lines, and new lines that will run to the septic system.

If you have not already called a professional to do your basement floor coating, you should set that up, too. Once you have addressed all that is included in this home renovation guide, you will be ready to move in your furniture and enjoy your brand-new room!